How To Transfer Money From PAYONEER to PAYONEER (NO FEES)| Pay to Recipient's PAYONEER Account

Welcome to another tutorial video so in this video we'll be doing what Pioneer to pay Union money transfer okay so we transferring from up in your account to another person's paying your account okay the person could be an um a freelancer or whatever maybe they did a work for you and they want to receive the money via their paying your 

 Account okay that is what we'll be doing in this tutorial video note that this is a new premier opinion transfer method okay the old one they don't use all the old method again okay there's been some improvements in what period Premier Transit so make sure to stick to the end of the video so that you don't miss anything now in case you want to um create a new or verify a pay new account and then add receiving accounts just go to our videos I will leave the 

 Video Linked In the video description yes you there and watch these two videos okay this first video will show you how to create and verify any account and the second one will show you how to get what receiving accounts okay right so without very much I do let's Dive Right into this video so in order to you know pay to another pay a new account just go straight towards first make sure you are logged into your opinion account just like here okay and then go straight 

 Towards p now after going straight to Big you'll notice that there's a new dashboard okay notice that there are added what options over here but what we need to do is just what pay to a recipients a new account so when you click on this icon you'll notice that page recipients paying account so make a payment through another opinion customers balance for free okay meaning that when you do this 

 Transaction there wouldn't be any fee okay there is a free transfer without any additional fees okay so click on us pay to pay near what another person's opinion account that's paid to a recipient's paying against now one thing you need to know about in art opinion transfer is that a person making the Translate Okay so the person making the transfer that's my soul should have received thousand dollars in the past couple of 

 Months okay before you can do this transfer so in case you are a paying your user and then you haven't received an amount closer towards thousand dollars or more before in your accounts you cannot do this in your entrepreneur money transfer okay I'm glad we got this out of the way so now let's proceed now all you have to do is just what enter the recipient's email address okay so in case you have the recipient's 

 Email address just enter that over here and engage with initially sent a money to that pay a new account you could just click on this and then you get what maybe the email address of the recipient right here just click on that and then it will load up okay so you could notice that last payment I sent to this you can't was one 30th May 2023 now you select the balance the currency so we are doing this you know what the USD okay so 

 Choose USD to see our current balance over here now what amount are you trying to transfer okay let's say you are transferring fifty dollars or hundred dollars it depends on how much you are transferring okay now but you will notice that the minimum amount you can transface was fifty dollars okay now so you could after inserting all these details just click on what's next okay now you choose the purpose of your transfer okay so 

 Maybe you are paying contractors or Freelancers paying for marketing Services if web developers or I.T Services paying for goods purchase be in a connected business entity or other okay so I'll just choose paying for freelancer okay now I could choose what transaction description so I could just write what maybe flyer maybe flyer design okay maybe fly design depends on what you are you the person did for you okay and what you are trying 

 To um in the amount you are trying to send you the person okay so it will show you no transaction page and share with your recipient okay so this detail will be shared with you what your recipient and what transaction page so you could notice that you've gotten to how close to the end of this steps okay the three steps involved the first one and then this is the second one now let's move on to the last and 

 Final step so once you get to this step you will notice that again check the email to make sure that you are signing to the right person and then the amount is in USD fee is what free and we are saying the amount towards amount of fifty dollars now you could notice that the purpose again is what paying contractors or Freelancers and then the transaction description is what flyer design now once you get to this page just click on pay once you click on 

 Pay the money will be sent to the word the recipient and then you get notified okay so let me show you how this works and financially sends amount of fifty dollars to this recipient account okay so I'm going to show you how you get the notification that the business received the account the amount okay so let's go back to my opinion dashboard now my financially sent an amount to this same words email address so this is how it popped 

 Up okay so this is how it will show up so if you notice that they send this amount to this same email address okay on the 30th of me you'll notice that this was a deduction of fifty dollars then what is the deduction total amount of fifty dollars and then we have what a transaction details okay notice that it was what flyer design okay right so this is how the transaction will be so you have a transaction timeline and then you 

 Will notice that if when you submitted what a transaction okay and then this is when it was verified that the transaction is complete meaning that the person received it and then again and then you also received what the notification on the 30th of May so mean that once you send the money you will receive your what this you receive your notification on date of 30th of May that's what that's the day or date I send this amount so 

 You could notice that there are some days over here and then this when the transaction was completed okay there are seven of June 2023 it depends okay meaning that I might have sent this money during the weekends so maybe back in the weekday or business days it's reflected that's why I was able to complete onwards 7 June and sometimes we might be sending the amount what a no pay no account which might cause for the what the delay okay thanks for staying 

 With me to the end of this video so in case you found this video useful make sure to subscribe and turn on your post notification so that you don't miss out on what future videos like the video and in case you have any questions just leave them in the comment section respond to them as soon as possible make sure to also share okay to our friends and I will see you in the next video have a lovely day bye bye